Marty Clark Socks
Cylindrically stitched tubes of fabric manufactured for the sole purpose of attaching to Space Monkey Feet, Marty Clark socks are perfect for going on your feet and going into your shoe. 4 Desigins Available:
Marty Socks
Clark Socks
Marty Clark 5th Dimension Socks
Clarkosaurus Rex Socks
Made from Hanes X-Temp Comfort socks and printed with ink transfer sheets. Only available in mens size 6-12 and womens size 7-13.
(6.95 per pair of socks)
Manufacture Disclaimer
These socks are made one at a time and done by hand, so logos are not guranteed to be placed perfectly in line or perfectly distanced on. the fabric. Logos are also printed using ink transfers, so as the sock stretches, the ink will fade and stretch apart as well, but still be legible and visible. These are the first of many socks that will come from Marty Clark, and production quality will increase as time goes on, THANKS!